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Matthew 6:25 “…Don’t worry about your life…Isn’t life more than food and the body more than clothing?” (HCSB)

Child – Our relationship is the most important part of your life. You chose the best and became My child by your acceptance of the gift given through the blood sacrifice of My Son. Don’t let other things crowd in to replace this most important part of your life. Next to being My child, everything else pales.

But the enemy will try to entice you with worldly desires. I know what you need and am supplying everything as you truly need it. I know what is best for you and I want you to choose the best. So I keep calling. Come away with Me in your spirit each day. I love you and desire your company. You will not go away from our time together empty!

This life is not all there is. A great future awaits you filled with wonders far beyond your feeble imagination. As the earthly expression goes, “you ain’t seen nothin’ yet!”

Hold My hand and we will go adventuring through this day. Now really, what more could you want? I love you, child. Rest in that love.


1 Corinthians 2:9